Sunday, February 15, 2009

Selling out to Sprite?

A month or so ago we got this weird email from Sprite. You know, the soft drink? They wanted to include a song of ours in a ringtone website they were making. They were offering us no money. Here's what's wrong with this offer:

-They claimed it was a 'not for profit' thing, and that's why they weren't offering us any money. WTF? It had Sprite's brand name all over it. Do they think we're retarded?

-Which band in their right mind will associate themselves with the Coca Cola Company for no money? It doesn't make any sense

-Along with the email they sent us, they accidentally sent us some past correspondence they'd been having with other Sprite manager people. It read something like

Goon 1: "Haven't had much luck in the states or UK"
Goon 2: "Don't worry, you can expect Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines to be paths of less resistance"

Dear Sprite, next time you ask us to associate ourselves with some random giant company, please offer us lots of money.


Anonymous said...

Why did you feel the need to use the word retarded in that way? That was a bit pointless, and unhelpful.

mark said...


mark said...

As a postscript to this post, it was our friends Teacups who put the sprite people onto us. If they decide to take part in the sprite thingy that's cool, and it's nice that they thought of recommending us to the people. I'm drinking sprite as I type. Imagine if we were offered a lifetime supply of Sprite. Imagine that.

mark said...

It was just a bizarre offer from Sprite. It took me a while to figure out just how ridiculous it was. That's the only point, no one's retarded and/or anything else

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is still pretty right though. Lets the whole post down.

mark said...

Nature of being anon I guess

Anonymous said...

mark fingers and mouth work much quicker than his brain

mark said...

Nah I think that's a brain related compliment :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, anonymous really hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous drinks SPRITE,
Little Pictures drinks SPRITE,

Get instant Mobile rewards!!!

Philip Philips said...

If all little pictures drink sprite and all sprite drinkers are anonymous, are all little pictures anonymous?

Anonymous said...

G'day all - I posted the initial comment. Perhaps I was a bit vague - I wasn't commenting on the commercial aspects or anything to do with Sprite, what I was meaning is that "retarded" is a bit of a dumb phrase to use I think - its demeaning for people with learning or intellectual disabilities. thats all!


Anonymous said...

That's fucking ridiculous! Anonymous (Sam) is an idiot, as are the rest of the fools who played along.

Retard (or retarded) does not necessarily mean what your comments imply, and Mark may not have been using it in this way.

It simply means impeded or delayed. Just because it's so commonly used in an insulting way or to describe those with mental handicaps doesn't mean that his was an unjust use of the word.

Here's something for you - it can also be used in description of music (to describe "a slackening of tempo").

Princess Chelsea said...

Hello it is me PC. I also got offered this thing from Sprite and respectfully declined. I said that if one of the richest companies in the world was really intersted in helping out under the radar artists then perhaps they could pay me. I said that I found something inherently wrong about me giving a multi million dollar corporation for free what will be the first track on my first album - when I am struggling to feed myself. I was very pleased to see other people felt the same way after reading this post!

Also, it is a shame that Sam was offended by Mark's use of the word retarded. To be honest, it has become somewhat of a common word amongst a lot of people on the planet Earth aged 15-31, and is heavily used on television and in movies.

Generally, while not completely PC (excuse the pun) when people use this word they are not trying to be discriminatory to people who have a mental handicap - they are merely using a common colloquialism that they are used to hearing everywhere which has now morphed and changed its meaning to basically be another alternative for the word 'silly'.

If Mark were President Barrack Obama then perhaps this level of offense would be plausible - however he is simply someone trying to be himself on the internet and I can't see any evidence in Little Pictures Music or anywhere else in their blog that they enjoy making fun of the intellectually handicapped.

If we were all constantly paranoid about being completely polically correct at all times, many of the greatest writers, comedians and artists would be working deskjobs in an office somewhere.